Worship Commission Meeting Minutes – April 23, 2012
Next Worship Commission meeting --5/21/12 @ 7:15
Present- Fr. Scott McCawley, Dave McCaffrey, Tom Hanik, Steve Lisowski, Mary Pat Vanderlaan, Peg Cello, George Loss, Charlotte Blain, Gail Macko, Jim Viola
Fr. Scott opened the meeting with a reading/summary of Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (Sacrosanctum Concilium). We shared our reaction to the summary and what it means to us as individuals and as a Commission.
Parish Council: Jim reported out. On May 6 @ 11:30 will be the 75th IC High School anniversary. The HS is doing music, Eucharistic Ministers, Gifts, etc. On May 6 @ 9:00 is the May Crowning. The Parish Council needs an “At Large” member. CHRP is scheduled for men: 1/26-27/13 and women: 2/9-10/13. 2013 is the Year of Faith per Pope Benedict. This will be our parish theme beginning the first Sunday of Advent. Next “All Leadership” night is 5/14 @ 7:00. There is an idea being floated to “Adopt a Parish” in Kentucky where we could do a clothing or food drive.
Committee reports:
Music Ministry: Steve Lisowski:
Steve proposed an idea to the Commission for our reaction prior to approaching the Pastor. It would involve obtaining feedback from parishioners on music – what they like and don’t like – knowing that there is some flexibility to what is chosen, after consideration of the Word; Tradition; and People. In the past, he has met with groups on a regular basis and asked people to rate the music. He acknowledged the shortcomings of surveys (we shared some of our history with surveys) and understands that their opinion cannot guarantee a particular outcome. We agreed that he should proceed with his proposal.
Neumann Singers went well on April 21/22th although there was a change in venue, and contacting ministers was not simple – an indication of needing to improve our processes and contact information.
Ministry Roles and Responsibilities:
We invited Gail to our meeting. She believes that many people rely on the hard copy sign ups and is reluctant to eliminate it. Steve believes that tech savvy people will use Voluntary Spot (or another system) readily and agreed we need to also figure out how to develop a protocol to include those who do not have access to computers. Gail said her biggest problem is with Altar servers. She sends out reminders 2 days in advance. She said that only about 25% of people actually get substitutes, even though they are supposed to get subs or contact their Mass Captain. Currently for Holy Days, Gail sends out emails and has the physical signup sheet. The follow through and absenteeism is another problem which needs to be addressed by the “Coordinator” positions. We shared information on the proposed “Coordinator” positions with Gail. She liked the idea. If we do use Volunteer Spot, she wants to be able to shut it down by Friday so that we don’t overbook.
Dave demonstrated Volunteer Spot, which is a portal to sign up for an event. He will work more with it to see its capabilities.
Another issue is how to better communicate and not be overly dependent on Gail. We would like to have a highly organized list of the different groupings of people; organized by Masses; by group; sortable. Gail will gather all her lists and send to Steve.
George introduced himself to the Mass Captains and found that he still needs back up 2 Mass Captains and is working on it.
The lead Coordinators are to review and present a revised draft to the Worship Commission at the next meeting.
Dress Code
Charlotte and Father Scott presented information on dress code. We had a robust and specific conversation and it was stressed that the directive on this must be very specific. We reviewed and recommended final language. The language describing “Dress and appearance when ministering at the Sacred Liturgy” will be sent out.
Parish Website:
We are now “live”. Dave McCaffrey is lead for website. He presented what we have so far, which is shaping up.
Steve showed us his music page which is great – it even has a spot for posting music for the choir to practice.
Steve introduced an idea: Integrate Fine Arts Program: Music/Band – called Fine Arts Inspire The Heart (FAITH).
Recap of Holy Week
Beautiful; Holy Thursday was very moving; decorations were outstanding; Easter Vigil very good.
Stations – when soup suppers were offered, we got more participation. Others only had 4-5 people.
Who is responsible for stations? We recommend doing it consistently next year.
Stations need attention, particularly for Lectors, who were pulled from the pews to read.
Regarding the Stations for Teens on Good Friday, need to begin preparation much earlier- rehearsal for many people. Jim will raise this at Parish Council.
Need to add George and Peg to the email list:
Tentative Agenda for Next Meeting Monday, June 21, 2012 at 7:15:
Presentation of Task Descriptions